Get results with LinkedIn

Millionaire entrepreneur James Caan says he made his money by 'zigging' when everyone else was 'zagging'. I'd say LinkedIn is the social media equivalent of that strategy.
Since Microsoft made their investment, LinkedIn has gone from strength to strength yet a lot of tourism businesses don't use it. LinkedIn's main initial use was to help professionals make connections with each other. Now it's evolved to become a sort of facebook for professionals.
It's not the obvious place to go to, to look for places to go on holiday or ways to spend your leisure time, but that's why it could work for you. There are fewer representatives of tourism businesses on there so you could grab attention more easily than on other channels. You will need to use different messages and can't just post the same things as on other social media. I'll suggest some other angles later.
Usage statistics indicate that the peak times when people are on LInkedIn are 7.45 am, mid-morning, 12.45 and 5.45 pm - times when people are likely to be browsing online over breakfast, elevenses, lunch and at the end of the working day. So they are on LinkedIn in a more relaxed state, which can be a good time to talk to them about leisure activities.
What should you post about?
Overtly promotional posts along the lines of 'come and stay at my B&B' or 'visit my attraction' won't work as well on LinkedIn as they might on facebook. You will need to be more subtle. LinkedIn is about building relationships.
It's better to post on topics that relate to current news and trends, or to offer 'how to' advice, or comments on what is happening more broadly, gently positioning your business.
For example, you could talk about how much you've missed visitors and what they're telling you they're most looking forward to after lockdown. Or you might talk about some of the things you've done in your local community during lockdown. You could talk about your local suppliers and how you're proud of your business' contribution to the local economy.
Or perhaps you've noticed a trend toward people doing something different. If you can use a business angle that might help e.g. perhaps you've noticed people booking longer stays as they plan to bring work with them and just enjoy a change of scene as 'digital nomads'?
Just as for other social media, you'll be able to build connections on LinkedIn if you comment on other people's posts and have conversations instead of just broadcasting.
Keep your post fairly short and try to use attention-grabbing images and headlines. Questions and polls work well to build engagement.
Hashtags may help you to build followers too. Don't crowd your post with them - just use a couple in a natural way. Your post shouldn't look like an instagram post.
If you handle it well, LinkedIn can help you reach very different audiences. Why don't you get started right now? Do send me a LinkedIn request and I'll be happy to share my connections with you -
This is really helpful Susan - I have an established network of contacts on Linked In which I've never tapped into . I like the idea of a different approach as well. Will give it a go!
Interesting reading, while I do have a LinkedIn account, I've never really known what to do with it or how to use it. Maybe I should have another look at it...
Top tip again Susan, going to have a good look at this morning , after cleansing my mind with yoga 🧘♀️
Never gave Linkedin a thought as a means to promote the Engine Shed (Shepherds hut accommodation in Battersby Junction currently nearing completion) but you're right, between my daughter and I we have a diverse and large number of business contacts who may be interested to read what we've been up to during lockdown and be keen to enjoy a break in the NYMNP or share details of our unique breaks with friends. Thanks for the tip.
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