Ideas for social media posts in Autumn

It's the one thing everyone tells me they struggle with - ideas for social media posts.
What can you write about to keep people interested and engaged, even if your business isn't open or busy at this time of year?
Here are a few ideas
Before we get started: instead of just scanning through these ideas, I suggest you get a pen and paper (it works much better if you can actively scribble, not just think or type) and jot down related thoughts as you read each topic. Let the list below spark more ideas. You should be able to at least double this list of post suggestions...
1. Let's start with the most obvious - the gorgeous Autumn colours and leaves. Quick: take photos before they all go. This isn't just one post - you should be able to find plenty of Autumnal inspiration with different viewpoints and angles.
2. Remember the school nature table? Can you recreate one? or focus on particular types of natural find? Remember playing conkers? Got a special recipe to preserve them? Have you tried preserving leaves? Can you show some photos of what you've done? Which berries are your favourites? Do you use any? Or maybe you're freezing some for the winter to feed the birds?
3. The light is often really good in Autumn: a golden glow early in the morning and mid-late afternoon. Can you show an aspect of your business caught in different light?
4. The twin events of Halloween and Bonfire Night should give you plenty of angles to use: food, displays, costumes, fires etc. They also offer good opportunities to get more engagement on your posts: ask followers simple question to encourage engagement. For example you could ask: Do you make a traditional guy for your bonfire? What do you think to the increased celebration of Halloween? What's your favourite bonfire food? Any tips for helping dogs and cats overcome their terror of fireworks?
5. Are there any jobs you often do in Autumn? Is it a time you undertake improvements? What photos could you share? Before and afters? Tips such as checking for hedgehogs before building bonfires?
6. At the end of the season, you might be thinking about making some changes or reviewing your business in some way. Could you ask your followers for their opinions or tease future plans?
7. Autumn is the time we think about different foods, perhaps digging out stewpots or treating ourselves to Parkin or gingerbread. What are your family's traditions? Favourite Autumn dishes? A recipe you could share? A story about Autumnal food or drink?
8. What words do you associate with Autumn?
9. Time to put away your Summer clothes in favour of the winter woollies. Any old favourites? Any woollies you can't throw away because they have stories attached to them? Any tips for really good walking equipment or clothing that helps counteract the Autumn winds and chills? Your tips for staying warm?
10. Autumn is a time of contrasts: amazing bright days when you love being outside for just a little longer, as well as more miserable days when it's good to be indoors. Include photos of both and talk about your favourite things to do locally on the good and bad days.
11. What only happens in Autumn? Any birds or animals you love to look out for at this time of year? Any local events to talk about?
12. Look up, look down - anything that really stands out in Autumn? For example, we often get some amazing sunsets and sunrises. Paths are filled with treasures from the trees. What are your favourites?
13. Think big and small, narrow and wide. Whatever ideas you use, consider whether you can use a different photo and angle for a second post. For example, you might use a photo of an Autumnal landscape featuring glorious colours for one post, and then you could do a close-up of just one leaf, perhaps mid-colour change for another post.
14. It might be a little early... but you could also look forward to Christmas, or encourage people to think about buying gift vouchers.
You don't need to make every post deep and meaningful - photos that just look beautiful and feel uplifting are equally good at this time of year.
Do remember to include plenty of calls to action within your beautiful photos.
Whichever topics you choose, make sure you relate them back to your business. For example, don't just show a photo of gorgeous wood - say how close it is to our business.
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